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Ever since Tom Adams’ daughter was diagnosed with cancer, he has been angrily asking God why He would let her get sick. Never actually expecting a response, Tom questions his sanity after a bizarre encounter sets the stage for a journey that causes him to grapple with faith and doubt as he scrambles to understand the messages.

Now, despite his fears of the potential consequences, he has decided to share his incredible story.



Q: The Salt Messages is very different from your first book.  What motivated you to write it?

A: Yes, it is.  This book is very personal for me.  I was both angry and terribly sad when one of my daughters was diagnosed with cancer.  Part of my sadness was selfish.  I was sure that I hadn’t been a good spiritual guide for her growing up because my own doubts and questions had gotten in the way.

Q: So, you found answers in a salt spa?

A: No, nothing quite as mystical as that.  I sent a message to my church about my daughter and my fears.  That’s when I heard from Brad, Associate Pastor at church, who offered to meet and talk with me.  He has been incredibly patient with me as he helps me navigate my spiritual journey.  I am admittedly a work-in-progress, but I’m sure I wouldn’t have gotten this far without Brad’s willingness to listen to my never-ending questions.

Q: This is a work of fiction, right?

A: Those who know me well will recognize a number of real events in this story.  I’ll leave it to the reader to make the decision how to separate fact from fiction here, but I absolutely meant it in the Acknowledgements when I said this was a work of inspiration.  Hopefully, it is one that will make you laugh, cry and thank God for all our blessings. 

Q: What’s the biggest take-away for you from this book?

A: I fail miserably at it, but for me it is John 13:34 – “Love one another as I have loved you.”  I didn’t start writing The Salt Messages with that in mind.  I simply began writing about the questions I have.  Yet, it was that message that kept being repeated to me and I realized it kept coming up in what I was writing.  So, yes, I need to continue to work at it and never stop trying to get it right.

Book Club Discussion

  1. In his Prologue, Tom worries about how people are going to receive his story. How would you react if someone told you these things actually happened to him/her?

  2. Tom uses his notes with Carol and with us to support the story of his journey. Is it easier for you to believe his story was a result of his brain tumor rather than a real interaction with God? Explain why.

  3. What are Tom’s character flaws? How about his strengths?

  4. Tom is embarrassed as he is forced to examine things he has said and done that are hurtful to others. Share something you have done this week…today that is hurtful to others.

  5. Who was your favorite messenger? Why?

  6. Pug tells us that the universe is vast and that God speaks to us regularly in ways we can understand. What do you think about Pug’s message?

  7. What are the implications of the concept that we are all one, created in God’s image?

  8. How do the salt messages relate to things that are happening in our world today? If we truly listened to them, how would it help us make a difference?

  9. Sally said, “God didn’t create any bad people. People sometimes do bad things.” How do you feel about that?

  10. Rose said God doesn’t “pull the strings” and let bad things happen to people, but sends angels to help us when we need them. She said God didn’t give Reagan cancer, but He used that to have a personal relationship with both Reagan and Tom. How do her comments fit with your beliefs?